IFAD Supervision and Implementation Support (SIS) Mission in the Philippines


7 September 2022 – The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), led by Country Director Mr. Hubert Boirard and consultants Mr. Alok Kumar and Tamara Lampe, convened a meeting with AgriCord member agri-agencies implementing the Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A) as part of the regular IFAD SIS mission in the Philippines at the AsiaDHRRA secretariat office in Quezon City on 7 September 2022.

The meeting was participated by AgriCord Agri-Agencies, namely, AsiaDHRRA, Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires (CSA), Trias NGO, and We Effect.  The main objectives of the mission are to (i) assess the program implementation progress; (ii) review progress against the 2022 annual working plan and budget (AWPB); (iii) identify actual and potential/ emerging operational problems; and (iv) propose solutions, corrective actions or improvements to be done for an acceleration of the FO4A program.


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