DHRRA Malaysia hosts National Consultation Workshop on Rural Development Master Plan


27 June 2022 – The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA) and DHRRA Malaysia co-organized a National Consultation Workshop on the Proposed ASEAN Rural Development Master Plan 2022-2026 on 27 June 2022, via hybrid modalities, online and at the Hilton Putrajaya Lakeside, Putrajaya, Malaysia. In addition to previously held consultations in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia, the objective is to enrich the master plan development process with contributions from national SOMRDPE partners, including representatives from Civil Society Organizations (CSO), the private sector, and the development partners.

The development of an ASEAN Master Plan on Rural Development is being proposed to provide a cohesive guiding framework for ASEAN’s rural development and poverty eradication agenda.


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