Designing a strategy addressing Gendered Environment, Social Inclusion, and Governance with Cacao Farmers


AsiaDHRRA’s Senior Program Manager, Mr. Florante Villas, in collaboration with PhilDHRRA Mindanao, organized the recent action planning workshop with FARDECO Multi-Purpose Cooperative in Cadalian, Baguio District, Davao, on 16-18 February 2023. The workshop was designed to craft a plan addressing AsiaDHRRA’s recommendations based on the results of an assessment of performance in a Gendered Environment, Social Inclusion, and Governance conducted by FARDECO last year.

AsiaDHRRA provides advisory services to the Mennonite Economic Development Associates’ (MEDA) project entitled “Resilience and Inclusion through Investment for Sustainable Agrikultura” (RIISA) in Mindanao, targeting smallholder cacao farmers through their cooperative.


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