Country training on Agroecology, Policy Advocacy, and Constructive Engagement


AsiaDHRRA and Phildhrra-Mindanao jointly organized a 3-day country training on Agroecology, Policy Advocacy, and Constructive Engagement (AE-PACE) at Lispher Inn Hotel, Davao City, on 12-14 December 2023. The event is joined by 26 farmers’ organizations (FO) and non-profit organizations (NGO) leaders. The initiative is 2nd of the two training interventions on AE and PACE for Lobby and Advocacy component under the Farmer Organizations’ Leading Research and Innovation of Agroecology for Sustainable Food Systems (FORI).

FORI aims to strengthen farmers’, grassroots, regional, and continental FOs capacities to formulate research questions, tap into local knowledge, build partnerships, access resources, and mobilize necessary competencies to experiment and innovate at scale. Additionally, it seeks to contribute and drive agroecological transition for more productive and resilient food systems.

The training updated and deepened the knowledge of agroecology as a framework in sustainable agriculture, agroecosystem management, and the transformation of food systems considering technical, social, environmental, and economic objectives. The specific objectives are:

  1. Review the context of the emergence of sustainable agricultural movements.
  2. Understand basic agroecological concepts, resources, and interactions that shape agroecosystems.
  3. Understand the factors influencing agroecosystems’ health and farmers’ production practices.
  4. Review of the recommended processes towards agroecological transition.

FO-RI is a project in coordination with AgriCord and funded by the EU International Partnerships and the OACPS Secretariat – Secrétariat OEACP.


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