Counting numbers and synergizing partnerships through coaching to Farmers’ Organization partners


AsiaDHRRA has provided a series of coaching and mentoring with its partner farmers’ organization (FO) finance in November – December 2022 online via Zoom.  The practice is part of AsiaDHRRA’s continuing project orientation on accountability requirements per FOs of its Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A) program and aligned with its Strategic Action Plan (SAP).  The advisory was participated by the following FOs:

  1. Philippine Family Farmers’ Agriculture-Fishery-Forestry Cooperatives Federation (AgriCOOPh)
  2. Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API), Indonesia
  3. Ngudi Mulyo (NM), Indonesia
  4. Farmer Nature Net Association (FNN), Cambodia
  5. Island of Samar and Leyte Agriculture Cooperative (ISLACO), Philippines
  6. Matulatula Agrarian Reform Community Cooperative (MARCCO), Philippines
  7. Coalition of Municipal Fishers Association of Zamboanga Sibugay (COMFAZ), Philippines
  8. Phuc Thanh Beekeeping Cooperative (PTBC), Vietnam
  9. An Giang Farmers’ Union (AGFU), Vietnam

FO4A is capacity-building assistance supported by AsiaDHRRA in cooperation with AgriCord and funding from IFAD-EU.


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