Cooperation in promoting digital agriculture implementation in Cambodia

AsiaDHRRA and Cambodhrra organized a stakeholders’ meeting for its latest collaboration on Smallholder Economic Empowerment through the Digital Solutions (SEEDS) project with the Research and Agri-extension and Rural Development Divisions of the Royal University of Agriculture on 26 February 2024 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The meeting discussed implementing the SEEDS project in various programs, including promoting youth participation.
The SEEDS team also had a substantive meeting with IFAD and Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (CPSA)-GrowAsia country representatives to seek practical advice on strengthening the project’s stakeholdership, particularly on crucial line agencies managing country investments with smallholder farmers’ participation.👩‍🌾🧑‍🌾
SEEDS is AsiaDHRRA’s latest project in partnership with CamboDHRRA, PhilDHRRA, and VietDHRRA, funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) with support from the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

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