Reflecting on regional collaboration opportunities to support smallholder farmers’ participation in carbon markets


AsiaDHRRA’s Secretary-General. Ms. Marlene Ramirez participated in a regional workshop on “Mobilizing Investment for Resilient and Low Emission Agrifood Systems in Asia through Carbon Markets” organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on 16-18 September 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand.  Ms. Ramirez joined the panel in Session 7, which discussed strengthening regional collaboration to mobilize carbon finance toward agriculture sector targets in National Determined Contributions (NDCs), Long-term strategies (LTS), and national strategies and plans, and reflected on the opportunities for smallholder farmers and rural the communities to engage in carbon markets. She also recommended the following key points in the session:

  1. Bring to the forefront the voices of organized smallholder farmers.
  2. Sustain the process of understanding carbon credits in the agriculture sector – with Civil Society Organization (CSO) or rural development NGOs/agri-agencies.  Conduct similar fora at national/local levels.
  3. Build the capacity of CSOs as partners on the ground – on new technologies and the complex process of carbon markets.

The workshop aimed to empower the participation of stakeholders in defining country-focused approaches in developing Article 6 of Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) opportunities by allowing carbon finance for agrifood systems, highlighting progress and gaps, and capacity-building programs appropriate to agrifood systems. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement recognizes that Parties can pursue voluntary cooperation in implementing national contributions to allow mitigation and adaptation actions and promote sustainable development and environmental integrity.  Additionally, the gathering will inform the creation of national readiness guidelines for agrifood systems and Article 6 participation.

The event was jointly organized by the FAO, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and other development partners through FAO’s Technical Cooperation Programme, and with similar country participation by Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.


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