Biyayang Lokal Project Launching – a partnership with People’s Organization in urban areas


The Partnership of Philippine Support Service Agencies Association, Inc. (PhilSSA) officially launched the “Biyayang Lokal” project on 31 May 2023 at the Covered Court Dormitory, Pasacola, Nagkaisang Nayon, Novaliches, Quezon City.  The event formally kickstarts the Rural-Urban Market Link (RUML) project in partnership with the Local Government Units (City and Barangay level).  In addition, it presents the Mobile Carts as business model support with the People’s Organization in Novaliches, Quezon City.

(Photo credit: PhilSSA)

Biyayang Lokal is a sub-program under RUML, a consortium project led by GlowCorp and funded by USAID.  The project aims to develop a business mechanism to facilitate the consolidation of agricultural products and crafts and link to urban communities, particularly in the Greater Manila Area.  The event was joined by consortium partners from GlowCorp, The Philippine Family Farmers’ Agriculture Fishery Forestry Cooperatives Federation (AgriCOOPH), AsiaDHRRA, Foundation for a Sustainable Society Inc (FSSI), the National Confederation of Cooperatives (NATCCO Network), Philippine Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (PhilDHRRA), and representative from United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


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