AsiaDHRRA presents during the 2nd South-East Asia Forum on SDG Implementation

Bangkok, Thailand – AsiaDHRRA network, together with other Southeast Asia-based members of Asia-Pacific Regional CSO Engagement Mechanisms (APRCEM), participated in the 2nd South-East Asia Forum on Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok, Thailand on 11-12 September 2018.
The meeting was held to gather the South-East Asian perspectives and experiences in preparation for the 2019 Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) and 2019 High-level Political Forum (HLPF), with the theme “Empowering People and Ensuring Inclusiveness and Equality 2019.”
AsiaDHRRA and DHRRA Malaysia made a presentation to share the network’s experiences on empowering people. Specifically, AsiaDHRRA Program Manager, Mags Catindig-Reyes shared the network’s concrete initiative on empowering super typhoon victims in the Philippines through post-disaster livelihood rebuilding; while, DHRRA Malaysia Project Coordinator, Maalini Ramalo, tackled empowerment though statelessness of rural poor people in Malaysia.
Participants of the forum were representatives of development organizations working on SDG implementation, VNR focal points of select countries, civil society groups, experts from think-tanks and academia, and other stakeholders that support and implement SDGs at national, regional & global levels.


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