AsiaDHRRA joined a capacity building training conducted by MEDA-Philippines


5 September 2022 – AsiaDHRRA and the Philippine Family Farmers’ Agriculture Fishery Forestry Cooperatives Federation (AgriCOOPh) participated in a capacity-building training on Environmental Social and Governance (G-ESG) conducted by the Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) Philippines.  The learning has organized a hybrid online and in-person workshop by the Resilience and Inclusion through Investment for Sustainable Agrikultura (RIISA) team designed for cooperatives using the G-ESG Rapid Assessment Tool.

ESG is a guidance tool co-developed by MEDA and contracted business providers to measure the performance of the cooperative on gender equality mainstreaming across environmental, social, and governance components.  It will assist cooperatives in identifying possible opportunities to advance women, youth, and indigenous people’s inclusion in cacao business operations while promoting business growth and increased investment opportunities that promote ESG.

The activity is part of AsiaDHRRA’s cooperation with MEDA on RIISA, which is fully funded by Global Affairs Canada.

Photo credit: MEDA




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