AsiaDHRRA, DHRRAs, FO Partners Gather to Discuss Improvement of Service Delivery

Bali, Indonesia — AsiaDHRRA convened its partners farmers organizations (FOs) in a Farmers Fighting Poverty (FFP) FO Partners Forum (FOPF) with the theme, “Refinements of services of DHRRAs to Farmers Organizations and Farmers Organizations to their Members,” on 16-17 October 2018 at Prime Plaza Hotel, Sanur-Bali, Indonesia. Some 50 farmers leaders, DHRRA leaders, and, AgriCord representative and member agri-agencies came together for the event.
In the forum, importance on delivering quality services for both FOs and their members was highlighted. The event commenced with the presentation of AsiaDHRRA and DHRRA services to partners from the DHRRA and FO profiling survey results. Capacity building was pointed out to be the top service provided among the partner FOs and their member farmers.  The sessions moved through sharing of innovative FO Services to their members wherein presenters were divided into three batches for world café reporting.


Moreover, DHRRAs with their FO partners were given the opportunity to brainstorm and identify gaps to be able to improve content and delivery process in providing relevant and quality services to FOs and their farmers. The event culminated with country reflection on grassroots innovations and recommendations on interventions for better services to rural communities.
Forum documents may be downloaded here.


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