AsiaDHRRA co-organizes KLMPE 2019

Bahay ng Alumni, Quezon City – Representatives of family farming organizations, civil society groups, academic and research institution, government agencies, and, international development organizations gathered for the annual Knowledge Learning Market & Policy Engagement (KLMPE) 2019 which marks the commencement of UNDFF 2019-2018 celebration in the country, with focus on: ” Strengthening the Role of Youth in Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development”, on 13-14 November 2019.

The conference also steamrolled knowledge sharing of innovations and showcasing of good practices in the sub-themes: (a) agri-enterprise, (b) agri-governance, (c) asset-reforms, (d) climate resilience, and (e) gender and age-sensitive family farming. Moreover, discussed the lessons learned and policy issues, and, put forward recommendations for action.

The multi-stakeholder platform, Agriculture and Rural Development Knowledge and Policy Platform (ARDKPP) through the KLMPE initiated a process to develop a National Action Plan for the UNDFF. To validate and enrich the preliminary consultations conducted, breakout session on UNDFF pillars were done during the 2-day event.

AsiaDHRRA Senior Program Manager, Mr. Florante Villas, facilitated the discussion of UNDFF Pillar 5—Improve socio-economic inclusion, resilience and well-being of family farmers, rural households and communities. Farmer organizations representatives of AsiaDHRRA from COMFAS, ISLACO, MARCCO, and, its national network PhilDHRRA (also co-organizer), were among the 350 delegates who participated in this year’s KLMPE.

The Global Action Plan aims to accelerate collective, coherent and comprehensive actions to support family farmers. It consists the following 7 pillars of work: Pillar 1—Develop an enabling policy environment to strengthen family farming . Pillar 2–Transversal. Support youth and ensure the generational sustainability of family farming Pillar 3–Transversal. Promote gender equity in family farming and the leadership role of rural women. Pillar 4—Strengthen family farmers’ organizations and their capacities to generate knowledge, represent farmers’ concerns and provide inclusive services in rural areas. Pillar 5—Improve socio-economic inclusion, resilience and well-being of family farmers, rural households and communities. Pillar 6— Promote sustainability of family farming for climate-resilient food systems. Pillar 7— Strengthen the multidimensionality of family farming to promote social innovations contributing to the territorial development and food systems that safeguard biodiversity, the environment and culture.

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