AsiaDHRRA, CamboDHRRA and FNN conducts advisory mission in Cambodia


10 – 11 July 2022 – The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA), CamboDHRRA, and the Farmers and Nature Association Network (FNN) organized a series of meetings and visits to farmers’ cooperatives on 10-11 July 2022 as part of the implementation of Farmers for Asia (FO4A) program. Ms. Marlene Ramirez, AsiaDHRRA’s Secretary-General, and program managers Mr. Cezar Belangel and Mr. Affan Firmansyah visited and discussed with farmers and cooperatives in Kampong Chhnang Province. They were accompanied by Mr. Him Noeun, Secretary-General of CamboDHRRA, and Mr. Pan Sopheap, Executive Director of FNN and Vice Chairperson of AsiaDHRRA.

The team met with Thlork Vien Meanchey Samaki Cooperative organic vegetable producers and Kraing Leav Samaki AgriCooperative (KLS-AC). KLS-AC is participating in the FNN market consolidation initiative, the 2nd phase of AsiaDHRRA/CamboDHRRA project support.

The mission was concluded with a meeting with the CamboDHRRA Board and Secretariat on ‘s organizational updates, the introduction of new country focal managers, and a follow-up on the progress of cooperation with FNN under the FO4A program.


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