AsiaDHRRA attends rice mill launching of KTLFA in Myanmar

Einme Township, Myanmar – AsiaDHRRA attended the blessing and launching of Kyone Ta Loke Farmers’ Association’s (KTLFA) rice mill on 18 December 2018 at Einme Township. This is the first ever farmer-owned rice mill in the township.
AsiaDHRRA, through its program Farmers Fighting Poverty, supported the establishment of the said rice mill, including its dwelling structure and the milling equipment. This has been made possible with support from the local government and other partners like Karuna-Pathein, MyanDHRRA, and, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFAF).
The new rice mill is powered by an engine using rice husks as fuel.  Its operation is expected to serve at least 3,000 rice farming households who will no longer need to travel four to five hours to have their rice milled.
Back in 2017, AsiaDHRRA supported the construction of a medium-size rice mill and a sun dryer platform to provide post-harvest services to KTLFA members and other farming communities in 11 villages around Kyone Ta Loke Village Tract.



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