AsiaDHRRA and MEDA partnership supporting small-holder cacao farmers


5 September 2022 –   The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA) and Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) – Philippines inked a partnership contract in support of  the project “Resilience and Inclusion through Investment for Sustainable Agrikultura (RIISA).”  The event was presided over by Ms. Catherine Sobrevega, Country Director of MEDA-Philippines, contractor, and Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Secretary-General of AsiaDHRRA, contractee, at the AsiaDHRRA secretariat office in Quezon City, Philippines.

AsiaDHRRA will provide business services to smallholder cacao farmers’ cooperatives in the Davao and BARMM regions to help address the challenges faced in the production, processing, and marketing of cacao while contributing to the resilience of the cacao market system.  The identified challenges are gender equality, social inclusion, environment, climate change, and access to better agricultural extension services.



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