AsiaDHRRA and AgriCord Joins the 7th ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum in PH

Manila, Philippines — AsiaDHRRA and AgriCord joined the 7TH ASEAN Cooperative Business Forum (ACBF) held in Pan Pacific Hotel, Malate, Manila  on 16-18 January 2018, with the theme “Cooperatives: Members’ owned, Value-based, Sustainable and Advancing Prosperity For All Through Coop to Coop Partnerships”.
Board Member of Agricord and Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA, Marlene Ramirez, shared AgriCord’s perspective on the importance of agri-cooperatives in building democracy, in promoting economic growth and more equitable distribution of incomes.
Around 200 agricultural cooperative leaders and members, civil society organizations, development partners, farmers’ and fishers’ organizations, and government representatives from ASEAN member states convened in the event.  AsiaDHRRA facilitated the participation of (8) farmer leaders from Coalition of Municipal Fisherfolks Association of Zamboanga Sibugay (COMFAS), Island of Samar Leyte Agricultural Cooperative (ISLACO), and Matulatula Agrarian Reform Community Cooperative (MARCCO), under AgriCord’s Farmers Fighting Poverty (FFP) initiative.
The 7th ACBF capacitated the various delegates in agricultural enterprising through knowledge sharing among cooperatives and organizations present, and, enabled them to link and expand their businesses by showcasing their different products.
The Philippines hosted the (2) consecutive ACBF. The 6th ACBF on December 2016 that gave way to positive outcomes including a declaration of the cooperatives, and the latest 7th ACBF that marked the signing and declaring of the ASEAN members’ Statement of Commitment, to: having a fair and just society where small scale men and women farmers and their families; and, in moving forward, to unite to act in building and strengthening, farmers’ organizations and agriculture cooperatives in the ASEAN region.
This year’s ACBF was supported by the European Union, International Fund for Agriculture Development, and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. It was organized by the Cooperative Development Authority of the Philippines (CDA), and, co-organized by:
ACDI Multi-Purpose Cooperative (ACDI MPC)
Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)
ASEAN Foundation and ASEAN Farmers’ Organization Support Program (AFOSP)
AFP Finance Center Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Bukidnon Pharmaceutical Multi-Purpose Cooperative (BUPHARCO)
CLIMBS Life and General Insurance Cooperative
Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines (CISP)
Federation of Peoples’ Sustainable Development Cooperative (FPSDC)
First Community Cooperative (FICCO)
Mindanao Consolidated Cooperative Bank (MCCB)
MTCP2 Programme
NATCCO Network
Nueva Segovia Consortium of Cooperatives (NSCC)
Oro Integrated Cooperative
Philippine Cooperative Center (PCC)
Sacred Heart Savings Cooperative
San Dionisio Credit Cooperative (SIDCC)
Tagum Cooperative


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