APFP/FO4A Joint Steering Committee Meeting in Bangkok, Thailand


The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA) on behalf of AgriCord, attended the Asia Pacific Farmer Program (APFP) / Farmer for Asia (FO4A) Joint Steering Committee on 24-25 October 2022, held in a hybrid modality via zoom conference and at the Asia Hotel Bangkok, Thailand. The discussion reviewed the programs’ current operational and financial status and presented the proposed roadmap for the year 2023-2025. The meeting was joined by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), European Union (EU), Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA), and La Via Campesina (LVC).

The meeting highlighted the significance of the APFP/FO4A program in providing economic services, policy advocacy, and capacity-building support to farmers’ organizations (FO) in Asia and the Pacific. In addition, the meeting emphasized the crucial role of FOs in conveying their concrete outputs to convince and receive the needed support from the stakeholders involved and improve their livelihoods.

The EU appreciated the meeting on the quality of discussion and presentation for the day, the role of IFAD in operation support, and their interest in joining field visits in the future.


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