Regional Workshop in Promoting Agroecology and Territorial Rural Development


AsiaDHRRA and Bina Desa jointly organized a regional workshop on “Promoting Agroecology (AE) Transition and Territorial Approach in Rural Development (TRD) in the ASEAN Region” on 27-28 August 2024 at Surabaya, Indonesia.  The gathering was participated by partner DHRRAs and Farmers’ Organizations (FOs) in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Vietnam, and project partners, namely from the ASEAN, the Asian Farmers’ Association (AFA) and Lao Facilitated Initiative on Agroecology for ASEAN (LICA).

Discussion panel on existing Agroecology practices

The event highlighted significant topics on the ASEAN key agroecology instruments involving the Rural Development Master Plan, the six ASEAN country consultations, and the latest progress on agroecology transition guidelines.  Strategies on agroecology and food system transformation were also presented, including various existing mechanisms adopted by the Philippines Department of Agriculture, Alternative Agriculture Network (AAN), a rural people’s organization (RPO) in Thailand, and Bina Desa, a civil society organization (CSO) in Indonesia.  More importantly, a working session among participants was conducted to discuss further and formulate the grassroots plan for the agroecology transition.

Appreciation from DHRRAs and project partners

Organizations similarly discussed the territorial approach to Rural Development in Southeast Asia with existing practices in TRD work.  Presentations from Indonesian Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration and Komunitas Swabina Pedesaan Salassae (KSPS) an RPO from Indonesia, Hội Làm Vườn Việt Nam (VACVINA), a CSO from Vietnam, and an online representative from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) were featured on the second day of the workshop.  A country discussion on the re-entry plan was also administered and reported on the plenary.  As a result, the workshop anticipates stronger linkages and solidarity among FOs/RPOs, CSOs, the DHRRAs, and other stakeholders involved in implementing AE-TRD and other regional priorities in the ASEAN Master Plan.

The event is supported by the World Rural Forum (WRF), AgriCord, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UNFAO).

AsiaDHRRA with Bina Desa and KoDHRRA


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