A series of meetings updating FO4A project with partner DHRRA and member Farmers’ Organizations in Indonesia


AsiaDHRRA organized a series of meetings with its DHRRA partner, Yayasan Bina Desa, and Farmers’ Organization (FO) members in Indonesia on 6-13 November 2023.  The mission’s first leg was with Bina Desa on 6-7 November 2023 in Jakarta, discussing providing technical support and coaching services to its farmers’ organization members.  A visit was followed by a meeting with a member FO, Aliansi Petani Indonesia (API), which focused on updates, planning, and review of the project’s operational and organizational status, including the progress of the FO business plan.


The second visit was with the Komunitas Swabina Pedesaan Salassae (KSPS) at Bulukumba District, South Sulawesi, on 9-10 November 2023.  The FO leaders and members welcomed AsiaDHRRA, and an in-depth discussion was held on the project’s impact and challenges and the remaining implementation plans.  Similarly, the meeting focused on developing more business plans while ensuring the organization and financial capacity are strengthened by including their youth members.

Lastly, the meeting was with KT Ngudi Mulyo on 12-13 November 2023 at Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.  It was AsiaDHRRA’s first visit since the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, and the discussion was centered on organizational and governance review.  The FO’s one-year project’s business plan and operations were also assessed, including a review of implementation status and challenges.  The activities for the remaining period were also planned and prioritized with commitment from the leaders and members of KT Ngudi Mulyo.

The team was led by Ms. Lorna David, Mr. Affan Firmansiyah, and Mr. Marvin Soro, who similarly assisted in the financial monitoring and evaluation of the Farmers for Asia (FO4A) project.


FO4A is a project in coordination with Agricord and funded by the EU and IFAD.


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