A collaboration to learn and innovate, AsiaDHRRA and Bina Desa’s advisory visit to Ngudi Mulyo and Galih


AsiaDHRRA and Bina Desa (InDHRRA) visited Ngudi Mulyo (NM) and Galih farmers’ group in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, on 7-9 December 2022 to provide advisory services and discuss updates and progress under the Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A) program.

Recently, Ngudi Mulyo mobilized support from several government agencies through machinery, tools, and production building to upgrade their chocolate processing activities for 2022.  The Organization has also become a major learning center in Gunungkidul for universities and other FOs in Yogyakarta.  Furthermore, it has restarted its effort to build marketing channels for major tourism like the HeHa Ocean View and Ambarketawan Tourism Center. AsiaDHRRA supported bridging the Organization with Indonesian Agency for Research and Innovation and Indonesian Research Center for Cacao and Coffee to improve further and diversify their production.

Bina Desa (InDHRRA) Facilitating Planning Workshop

One major challenge NM identified is improving its competitive advantage with other chocolate producers in Yogyakarta.  As a result, AsiaDHRRA has assisted NM and GALIH in connecting with Indonesian Agency for Research and Innovation and with Indonesian Research Center for Cacao and coffee to improve their product quality and diversification to overcome this challenge.

Farmers’ Organization for Asia is a programme in partnership with AgriCord and funding from IFAD and EU.



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