AsiaDHRRA, NPUST Meeting: A Dialogue towards Cooperation

Pingtung, Taiwan – AsiaDHRRA Executive Committee and Secretariat met with the new President and some officials of the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) on 16 August 2017. The meeting aimed at discussing concrete partnership actions in lieu of its renewed Memorandum of Understanding 2016-2020 signed during the 2016 General Assembly of AsiaDHRRA.

Some of the agreed actions points are on technology transfer and development for partner-farmers’ organizations (FOs), learning exchange visits between and among NPUST students and experts, DHRRA members, and, partner-FOs.
The meeting was held back-to-back with AsiaDHRRA’s Executive Committee meeting hosted by Dr. Wen-chi Huang—AsiaDHRRA ExeCom Member—concurrent Chair of the NPUST Department of Agribusiness Management, and, Director of the International Master’s Degree Program in Agrbusiness Management.


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