WHY Advocacy Toolkit

Why Advocacy ToolkitToolkitSundays shares this useful Advocacy Toolkit from Why.  The toolkit draws from the american experience but us Asians might pick up a nugget or two of new insights and approaches in fighting hunger and poverty upon reading the booklet.Why has a lot of downloadable publications related to poverty advocacy and hunger that you might find also interesting and useful.
Download the Advocacy Toolkit here…

Founded in 1975, WHY is a leader in the fight against hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.
WHY is convinced that solutions to hunger and poverty can be found at the grassroots level. WHY advances long-term solutions to hunger and poverty by supporting community-based organizations that empower individuals and build self-reliance, i.e., offering job training, education and after school programs; increasing access to housing and healthcare; providing microcredit and entrepreneurial opportunities; teaching people to grow their own food; and assisting small farmers. WHY connects these organizations to funders, media and legislators.
At WHY, we envision a world without hunger and poverty. If we can shift the prevailing viewpoint on why hunger and poverty exist, then we can influence the policymakers and put an end to this human tragedy.


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