Updates on the WSFS CSO Parallel Forum

Sharing with you updates on the CSO Parallel Forum of the World Summit on Food Security from our partner WRF, represented by Mr. Jose Osaba.
Monday, 16 November, 2009
Early morning greetings from Rome:
Since the evening of Friday, 13 November, we have been here taking part in the activities of the parallel forum to the World Summit, centred on food sovereignty.
We have in our hearts and our minds all the organisations which support the campaign in favour of the International Year of Family Farming, trying to assure that their common proposals form part of the aspirations of the greatest number possible of associations and institutions. It is of the greatest importance that the UN endorses Family Farming: peasantry, indigenous, pastoral and community farming, and by extension, craft fishing, by declaring an International Year of Family Farming as a sign of recognition of the efforts of the hundreds of millions of country women and men to produce the food that humanity needs.
Here united, we are more than 500 participants, 60% women representing more than 300 organisations from all continents. The organisation has made an extraordinary effort to make this parallel Forum possible and merits rotund congratulations.

On that day, 13 November, we had a work session with the UN special rapporteur about the right to food, Olivier De Shutter who explained his efforts to us and the limitations in the framework of the different UN agencies. Frequently he has the right to express himself before them, but he is not always listened to nor supported in his proposals in favour of the fundamental right to food.
In the morning of Saturday, the 14, the parallel forum officially began with the presence of FAO General Secretary, Jacques Diouf and the Mayor of Rome, Giovanni Alemano, both as guests of honour. Their speeches were very encouraging although they did point out the enormous difficulties they have to be listened to by those who should contribute to the eradication of the horrendous drama of hunger. It appears that many governments are not prepared to take adequate measures, to make changes in their food policies which would give priority to the effective production of healthy and sufficient food.
Afterwards, the Argentinean Ambassador to FAO-FIDA-PAM, a person worthy of respect and very committed, Ms. Maria del Carmen Squeff, until now president of the Food Security Committee – CFS of the FAO and Mr. Noel de Luna, the Philippine Ambassador to those organisations and the new president of CFS, introduced us to the perspectives of the new institutional framework, based on the reform of the Committee open it to the participation of new agents and civil society.
Until now we have united around three groups: women, young people and country people, and a seminary about the establishment of alliances to achieve the objective of food security.
Since yesterday evening, Sunday 15, we have been working in 4 thematic groups: 1º- Who directs food policies? 2ª- Who controls the food production resources? 3ª- How is food produced? 4- Who has access to and who needs access to food? The work of these groups continues.
Today, Monday 16, the World Summit about Food Sovereignty begins in the FAO with the participation of numerous governments. Towards midday, the people who are here in the parallel forum will be present in the FAO headquarters to express our aspirations and requests.
We shall continue informing.
José A. Osaba
IYFF-AIAF Campaign Coordinator
T + 34 649 638996


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