Shifting seasons to cause more hunger

HungerWednesday present this article from Celcias about the Oxfam Report that details how shifting seasons caused by climate change may severely impact food production and contribute to the rise in world hunger in the coming years.
Shifting seasons are destroying harvests and causing widespread hunger – but this is just one of the multiple climate change impacts taking their toll on the world’s poorest people – concluded a new report launched by Oxfam today (6 July 2009).
The report ‘Suffering the Science – Climate Change, People and Poverty’, is being published ahead of the G8 Summit in Italy, where climate change and food security are high on the agenda. It combines the latest scientific observations on climate change, and evidence from the communities Oxfam works with in almost 100 countries around the world, to reveal how the burden of climate change is already hitting poor people hard.
The report warns that without immediate action 50 years of development gains in poor countries will be permanently lost. It says that climate-related hunger could be the defining human tragedy of this century.
continue reading about How Shifting Seasons may cause more global hunger…


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