Regional workshop on building digital agriculture capacities of smallholder farmers organizations


AsiaDHRRA is organizing a capacity-building workshop on digital agriculture through its project “Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions (SEEDS)” from 19-22 August 2024 at Oracle Hotel, Quezon City, Philippines.  The workshop titled “Training of Trainers for Equipping Digital Agriculture Arrowheads for the Project Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions” is joined by DHRRA and farmers’ organization members in the network, particularly from Cambodia, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

The activity focuses on building the participants’ skills to become a chief catalyst and storyteller or, moreover, Digital Agriculture Arrowheads (DAAs) to work at the village level and empower smallholder farmers to recognize and utilize digital agriculture’s effectiveness to benefit themselves and the village.  DAAs will function as promoters of facilitators that will address the challenges, biases, and misconceptions about digital agriculture that lead to farmers’ resistance to adapting the digitalization approach fully and effectively.

SEEDS is a two-year project supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Korea’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (MAFRA), which aims scale-up the social and economic development of smallholder farmers and farmer organizations across Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam through digital and ICT solutions.  Additionally, it seeks to strengthen collaboration with various stakeholders in the government sector and enable startups by implementing technological solutions through farmers’ organizations.

The project comprises three key components, namely:


  1. Building the capacity of smallholders, through smallholder farmer organizations, in using digital technologies
  2. Strengthening the enabling policy and regulatory environment for smallholder digital technologies
  3. Knowledge Management on smallholder-centric digital solutions

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