Our Food, Our Future

A good read we stumbled upon. HungerWednesday thinks this is good to reflect on…
This is the award-winning article John Robbins originally wrote for the best-selling 2001 book Imagine: What America Could Be in the 21st Century.
It’s the year 2030. A meal is served. It was quick to prepare, just a few seconds in the food enhancer (actually an irradiation chamber based upon the old microwave ovens) was all it took. Of course, there was the time that Mom spent driving, parking, reading labels, and standing in line in fluorescent-lit grocery stores listening to canned music, then driving again, getting stuck in traffic, opening packages, and disposing of the trash. But she hardly noticed. She also didn’t notice the thousands of “Buy Now” messages to which she was exposed nor the chemical-laden air that she breathed. Her mind was elsewhere, spinning a mile a minute, but the behavior- and mood-altering drugs she takes keep her from being too unhappy.
continue reading this wonderful article on the future of food…


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