TKN releases book on gender and trade liberalization in SEA

Beyond Barriers: The Gender Implications of Trade Liberalization in Southeast AsiaThe Trade Knowledge Network (TKN) Southeast Asia has recently released a new electronic publication, entitled: Beyond Barriers: The Gender Implications of Trade Liberalization in Southeast Asia, written by Alexander C. Chandra (TKN Southeast Asia Coordinator), Lucky A. Lontoh (Public Policy Analyst) & Ani Margawati (Lecturer of Anthropology Dept. of the University of Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia).

This paper analyses the gender sensitivity of selected trade liberalisation initiatives pursued by the countries of Southeast Asia. It primarily argues that trade policies and agreements pursued by both ASEAN and its member countries are far from being gender sensitive. In order to improve the standing of women in society, the authors propose a number of recommendations to the countries of the region, both individually and collectively, which include: (1) Putting women at the centre of trade policy analysis and deliberations and ensuring that trade policy changes are not made at the expense of the quality of the lives of women; (2) Ensuring that policymakers undertake the necessary gender-oriented review of trade liberalisation initiatives; (3) Ensuring that women gain easy access to any social safety nets schemes that help them to cope with economic adjustment resulting from trade liberalisation; (4) Enhancing trade-related capacity building among women so as to enable them to reap the benefits of trade liberalisation; and, finally, (5) Providing the necessary resources to support the region’s commitment to advancing gender equality.

Download the ebook here and visit their website here.


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