Enduring Farms: Climate Change, Smallholders and Traditional Farming Communities

Thanks again to our friend Jose Osaba for sharing this interesting book from TWN.

“THE world is now facing a new era of climate change and the impacts of climate change are already being felt everywhere, particularly 	  TWN Environment & Development Series no. 6  Enduring Farms: Climate Change, Smallholders and Traditional Farming Communities in the developing countries and small islands. The local knowledge systems and agricultural practices and techniques adopted by local people remain the dominant form of coping mechanisms/responses to climate change. However, there is concern that the escalating global effects of climate change could increase food insecurity due to the myriad interactions between climate variability and food systems, of which little is known. Undoubtedly, the livelihoods of thousands of smallholder/traditional family farming communities and indigenous peoples in the developing world will be severely impacted by climatic changes. It is therefore critical that implications of climate change for food security are explored and understood not only at global and national levels but also at local level.”

Download the book here…


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