AsiaDHRRA’s landmark initiative on digital agriculture in partnership with the DHRRA and Cambodian Government


AsiaDHRRA and CamboDHRRA organized a dinner meeting with H.E. Dr. Chivoan Sao, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Rural Development of Cambodia, on 26 February 2024.  The Ministry pilots a landmark initiative to develop 50 model villages in 25 provinces in Cambodia, with two per province to follow a set of criteria that includes possibilities for digital innovations, economic flagships, livelihood activities, social protection, well-being of the local people, and none-migration or sustained communities with decent employment options for young youth, particularly girls).

AsiaDHRRA and CamboDHRRA can fuse some regions to build capacities for territorial rural and human development, sustainable enterprises, agroecological farming, and digital agriculture.  Thus, they can contribute to the localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Agenda 2023, the ASEAN Village Network (AVN) initiative, and the implementation of the ASEAN Master Plan on Rural Development.


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