All is well in Marinaleda, Spain

FarmFriday brings this interesting and inspiring article from the NYTimes about a socialist town in Spain that’s been doing really well despite the economic challenges currently gripping Spain.
Laura Leon | New York Times
MARINALEDA, Spain — The people of this small Andalusian town have never been shy about their political convictions. Since they occupied the estate of a local aristocrat in the 1980s, they and their fiery mayor, Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, have been synonymous in Spain with a dogged struggle for the rural poor.
Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, the mayor for 30 years, says the economic crisis proves the wisdom of his socialist vision.
Now that Spain’s real estate bust is fueling rampant unemployment, this Communist enclave, surrounded by sloping olive groves, is thumbing its nose at its countrymen’s capitalist folly. Attracted by its municipal housing program and bustling farming cooperative, people from neighboring villages and beyond have come here seeking jobs or homes, villagers and officials say.
continue reading about why there’s A Job and No Mortgage for All in a Spanish Town….


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