Research: Institutionalizing learning in rural poverty alleviation initiatives

Here’s an interesting reasearch i found while browsing the current issue — Knowledge sharing and knowledge management in Latin America and the Caribbean (Part I) in the KM4D Journal

Institutionalizing learning in rural poverty alleviation initiatives
Irene Guijt, Julio Berdegué, German Escobar, Eduardo Ramírez
This article describes a 5-phase approach for improving the learning capacity of rural development initiatives focused on poverty reduction that was applied in projects supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The approach is called ‘Aprendizaje y Gestion de Conocimento’ (AGC – Learning and Knowledge Management). Like many development interventions, IFAD projects are not designed to be action learning processes. Yet they recognise the need for project-centred learning to improve their actions, either immediately, in next phases of funding or broadly within poverty reduction. The challenge is how to promote, design and conduct learning processes within organizations and project activities that have not been designed with this purpose in mind.
continue reading the article here…
or read/download the paper here…


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