Medical evidence of therapeutic, nutritional and prophylactic properties of Moringa oleifera

This is another interesting article about the supertree, moringa oleifera.
This is the first of four planned papers on the nutritional, therapeutic, and prophylactic properties of Moringa oleifera. In this introductory paper, the scientific evidence for health effects are summarized in tabular format, and the strength of evidence is discussed in very general terms. A second paper will address a select few uses of Moringa in greater detail than they can be dealt with in the context of this paper. A third paper will probe the phytochemical components of Moringa in more depth. A fourth paper will lay out a number of suggested research projects that can be initiated at a very small scale and with very limited resources, in geographic regions which are suitable for Moringa cultivation and utilization. In advance of this fourth paper in the series, the author solicits suggestions and will gladly acknowledge contributions that are incorporated into the final manuscript. It is the intent and hope of the journal’s editors that such a network of small-scale, locally executed investigations might be successfully woven into a greater fabric which will have enhanced scientific power over similar small studies conducted and reported in isolation. Such an approach will have the added benefit that statistically sound planning, peer review, and multi-center coordination brings to a scientific investigation.
The following paper is intended to be useful for both scientific and lay audiences. Since various terms used herein are likely not familiar to the lay reader, nor are many of the references readily available to either scientific or lay audiences, we encourage active on-line dialog between readers and both the author and the journal staff. Both will attempt to answer questions and to direct readers to the experts in an open and public manner.. Part 1.
click here to continue reading about the therapeutic, nutritional and prophylactic properties of Moringa oleifera…


One Response

  1. hi folks, kindly put me in a network for moringa interested people if you guys have a network of some form, if is is a twitter account find me on @mesfin kebede or FB on the same name or i am a big fan and i would like to learn more about this marvelous plant. thank you, mesfin kebede from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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