Filipino rice farmers’ socioecon status is improving

FarmFriday shares this interesting newsbit we picked up from PhilRice about a research they conducted that showed Filipino rice farmers have steadily improved their socio-economic status over the past 10 years or so. Any reactions?
There is a steady improvement in the social and economic status among Filipino rice farmers and their household for the last decade, according to a study conducted by the Socioeconomics Division (SED) of PhilRice.
The study Changing image of the Filipino rice farmer, led by Divina Gracia Vergara, focused on trends transpiring in rice-based farm households and rice lands, and among farmer operators in 33 provinces for the last ten years.
“This intensive study captures the farmers’ image from 1996 to 2007,” she said.
The study shows that the rice-based farm household income is increasing as gross household income raised from P68,974.85 in 1996-1997 to P127,799.95 in 2006-2007. The finding is also consistent with the result showing that almost 60 percent of the households are above poverty level (57 percent) in the 2006-2007.
continue reading about the PhilRice study showing Filipino rice farmers’ improved socioeconomic status …


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