MTCP 2 Partners gather for 2nd Regional Steering Committee Meeting

Vientiane, Lao PDR – Noel Monteyne, AgriCord Central Office Program Manager, and Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General of AsiaDHRRA, represented AgriCord in the Joint Steering Committee Meeting of the AFOSP (ASEAN Farmers’ Organization Support Program) and attended the Expanded 2nd Regional Steering Committee (RSC) meeting of the Medium Term Cooperation Program Phase 2 (MTCP 2). The Joint SC meeting served to update the partners in the progress of the two components of AFOSP, namely MTCP2 and Farmers’ Fighting Poverty (FFP) which is managed by AgriCord.
The MTCP2 RSC meeting discussed the results of IFAD mid-term review, recommendations and action plans, and, joint collaborations of partners, among others. The Asia-Pacific participants also joined field visits hosted by LFN show casing the benefits derived from the participation of LFN in the regional MTCP2 cooperation.
With support from the IFAD and the Swiss Development Cooperation, MTCP 2 aims to contribute to the poverty alleviation in Asia and the Pacific Region through strengthened capacities of the rural poor and their organizations that leads to improved livelihoods and positive socio-economic impacts.


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