AFA Conducts 2nd Core Group Strengthening Workshop

The newly-composed Executive Committee (ExeCom) of AFA (Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development) held its 2nd Core Group Strengthening Workshop last June 1-6, in Cambodiana Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The workshop, with the theme, “Enhancing AFA to Promote the Asian Peasant Agenda”, was attended by 19 participants representing the regular members of AFA and their translators.
The ExeCom members thoroughly reviewed all AFA organizational and project documents, listed some indicators of autonomy of secretariat operations from AsiaDHRRA, developed mechanisms for communication and coordination among themselves, and planned the next AFA regional forum on rice. The workshop was the new ExeCom’s first activity after their selection in Depok, Indonesia. It was hosted by Farmer and Nature Net (FNN), a national farmer organization assisted by Cambodian Center for the Study and Development in Agriculture (CEDAC).


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