About AsiaDHRRA

Network directions and operations are steered by an active leadership in partnership with the secretariat. At the helm of the regional network is the General Assembly (GA). Composed of representatives from the member-DHRRAs, the GA is convened every two (2) years and its major function is to determine the network’s strategies and directions.
In between the assemblies, governance is in the hands of the Executive Committee made up of the Chairperson and three Vice Chairpersons with the Secretary-General as an ex-officio member. The latter, on the other hand, is in-charge of the daily operations of the AsiaDHRRA secretariat. An operations mechanism on sub-regional clustering is also adopted by AsiaDHRRA to facilitate the integration of unique local input and insights in program implementation.
AsiaDHRRA Network Structure

AsiaDHRRA Organizational Structure