About AsiaDHRRA

Strategic Plan (2021-2025)

E-LE-VATE (Elevate-Lead-Innovate) Rural Communities towards Sustainable Territorial Development and Transformation

Goal 1: Empower Rural People’s Organizations (RPOs) by delivering effective services to their members, influencing policymakers, and contributing to rural transformation.

Developed RPOs’ organizational capacities directed to attaining their Vision, Mission, Goals, and agri-enterprises to improve the livelihood and incomes of members and strengthen their positioning in the value chains.

Goal 2: AsiaDHRRA and its DHRRA members spearhead the priority Rural Development and Poverty Eradication (RDPE) agenda in the national, regional & global spheres.

Strengthened engagements and mechanisms between various stakeholders at regional and national/sub-national levels on Rural Development on Poverty Eradication (RDPE), through a partnership with the ASEAN, UNFAO, and on localization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG); improved capacities of DHRRA and RPO partners for strategic and progressive collaboration on territorial rural development (TRD) approaches, and their effective and ability to influence public RDPE frameworks, policies and programs and participation as key actors in the implementation process.

Goal 3: Innovative AsiaDHRRA network able to offer value and data-driven programs & services to RDPE stakeholders towards sustainability.

Operationalized the AsiaDHRRA Rural Development Institute (ARDI) to upscale human resource and capacity development contribution on RDPE; to strengthen DHRRA capabilities as agri-agencies by providing advisory services to RPOs on socio-economic, political, and cultural undertakings; upscaling innovative data-driven knowledge management, and improved financial sustainability through effective resource mobilization and partnership integrated into AsiaDHRRA core programs.