About AsiaDHRRA

The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA)
AsiaDHRRA is a regional partnership of eleven (11) social development networks and organizations in eleven (11) Asian nations that envisions Asian organized rural communities that are just, free, prosperous, living in peace and working in solidarity towards self-reliance.
AsiaDHRRA traces its earliest roots to the 1974 Development of the Human Rural Resources in Asia Workshop (DHRRAW) which was held in Swanganiwas, Thailand. About o¬ne hundred and twenty (120) rural development workers and practitioners gathered to engage in dialogues that focused o¬n the challenges and responses to rural development. At the end of the eventful three-week workshop, a call for continuous dialogue among the participants was made. As such, a support structure, the Center for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (CenDHRRA), was created to facilitate the sharing and exchanges across the Asian region. Since then, different forms of dialogue and sharing were done to strengthen the movement. In 1994, the movement which was effectively supported by CenDHRRA formally evolved into its present state, a regional network of country DHRRAs known as AsiaDHRRA.
After more than two decades, the regional network is now composed of DHRRAs from Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Laos PDR.