AsiaDHRRA joins in the 36th APRC consultation in the Philippines


22 February 2022 – AsiaDHRRA joins the 36th Asia and the Pacific Regional Conference (APRC) Country Consultation in the Philippines, as one of the reactors during the panel discussion.

The 36th APRC will be conducted in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 8 to 11 March 2022 which will tackle the priorities for FAO in the region under the FAO Strategic Framework 2022 – 2031.

For the Philippines, AsiaDHRRA pushed forward the need to (a) Sustain the broad-CSO-FAO-GO consultation process started in 2019 to track implementation of APRC resolutions, contribute to FAO programming at national level, and optimize possible synergies for more sustainable action; along with an (b) Active engagement in the ARDKPP, thru KM based on work on ground with local/national partners and ASEAN region; and to input to policy advocacy;  strengthen the multi-stakeholder mechanism as anchor of other relevant agenda e.g. UNDFF, CFS (RAI, Covid19 Recovery/Rebuilding), FSS,  ASEAN Master Plan on Rural Development; and (c)  Effective coordination in the implementation of piloting initiatives in the Philippines  e.g. ASEAN Guidelines   for Responsible Agricultural Investments (AGRAI), Digital Village Initiative (DVI), and Child Labour and Youth in Agriculture (CLYA), among others.

FAO in the region will focus on supporting Members in the following four Regional Priorities to implement consolidated actions effectively and efficiently: (a) Transforming agrifood systems for sustainable production and healthy diets; (b)Accelerating sustainable natural resources management for biodiversity conservation and climate action; (c) Supporting inclusive rural transformation for sustainable agrifood systems and equitable rural societies; and (d) Building sustainable and resilient agrifood systems in the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS).


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