AsiaDHRRA, FAO kick-off meeting on Child Labour and Youth project

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AsiaDHRRA and FAO kick-off meeting on a new LoA, “Empowering Youth through Capacity Training to Increase Decent Employment Opportunities and Reduce Child Labour Risks in Sustainable Agriculture”.

This collaboration is building on the results from the regional study “Child Labour in Fisheries and Aquaculture Value Chains in Asia and its linkages to migration “under LOA between FAO and ASIADHRRA since 2020.

The LoA aims at piloting actions recommended through country and regional study at local level with targeting agricultural stakeholder through capacity development.
Philippines was identified for pilots considering their strong interest to be part of pathfinder countries under global 8.7 alliance to showcase multisectoral approach with leadership of agriculture sector. It will be part of contribution from FAO to eliminate child labour in agriculture during 2021 and 2022.

The activities under this LOA will contribute in the implementation of ASEAN roadmap and SOMRDPE work Programme 2021-2025, as well as AsiaDHRRA’s strategic action plan 2022-2025.

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