Philippines targets rice self-sufficiency by 2013

MANILA, Philippines –  The Philippines will achieve rice self-sufficiency by the year 2013 if the government increases its investments into the agriculture sector, the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) said Monday.
In a public forum at the House of Representatives, PhilRice executive director Ronilo Beronio said increased technological and farm input support to local farmers, among others, will enable the country’s rice production to grow at 5.10 percent and be self-sufficient within five years starting 2009.
Beronio said the 5.10 percent growth in rice production that will come with increased government support translates to about three to four additional bags of rice per hectare every year.
“If each farmer can increase his yields by four bags per hectare per year, we would be self-sufficient by 2013,” Beronio said, adding that as of the moment the country is only 88 percent self-sufficient in rice production.
read more about how Philippines will be rice self-sufficient by 2013….


One Response

  1. Palay seed subsidy should be continued or else no rice self sufficiency will be of the major component of rice sufficiency is the seed system that contributes to 10-15% yield increment
    Go hybrid!.

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