G8 and the food crisis: the real solutions

HungerWednesday features this writeup by Greenpeace we found on Eldis outlining the underlying causes of the food crisis and recommendations for the G8 countries.
Millions of people around the world are suffering food shortages, unaffordable food prices and hunger, primarily due to industrial farming, bad harvests related to climate change, unjust terms of trade and the rush for biofuels.
This brief argues that there is no single solution to the crisis. However, the G8 leaders at the Toyako, Japan summit from 7-9 July, need to step up emergency assistance to the 850 million people who are suffering from hunger, and address the underlying causes of the current food crisis by:

  • increasing public investment in research and development on ecological and climate change-resilient farming
  • stopping funding for genetically engineered (GE) crops and prohibit patents on seed
  • phasing out the most toxic chemicals in agriculture and eliminating environmentally destructive agricultural subsidies
  • protecting domestic food production through trade agreements
  • dropping mandatory targets to increase the ratio of biofuels used in transport

read more on the underlying causes of the food crisis as outlined by Greenpeace here….


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