Asian states feel rice pinch

graph of rice production and consumptionOur good friend Conchi Quintana from WRF shared this interesting update on the rice crisis (from the BBC NEWS) affecting asian countries.
Asian countries have been struggling to cope as the cost of rice has reached record levels. The price of the staple crop has risen by as much as 70% during the last year, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), with increases accelerating in recent weeks.
Shortages have begun to hit some importing countries.
Factors contributing to the price rise include:

  • Poor harvests resulting from extreme weather
  •  rise in demand in some rice-importing countries, where populations and incomes are growing
  • he expectation of further price increases – resulting in hoarding
  • ow stockpiles and a long term lack of agricultural investment

read more about which asian states are experiencing the rice pinch….


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