Dr. Dyno Keatinge is new AVRDC Director General

February 20, 2008 – The World Vegetable Center has appointed Dr. Dyno Keatinge as AVRDC’s new Director General. The Center’s board members selected Dr. Keatinge by unanimous decision. He will assume his duties as Director General in mid-April.

“There’s an exciting future ahead for the World Vegetable Center,” Dr. Keatinge said. “The Center is poised to make a significant contribution to the Millennium Development Goals over the next decade. Its efforts will be felt by the poor in farming communities throughout sub-Saharan Africa and in other parts of the developing world.”
His vision for the Center includes fostering partnerships with organizations of all sizes across the research-to-development continuum, and maintaining a “pro-poor” focus to improve nutrition, food safety and job creation.


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