FarmTech: Rice Seed Preservation Technique

Its TechTuesday once again and searching high and low, we found this interesting video made by the good people of IRRI on rice farming. The video blurb says ”

Produced by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, Philippines), CAB International (CABI, UK), and the Rural Development Academy (RDA, Bogra, Bangladesh), this is one of four in the series, Women to women extension of postharvest innovations in Bangladesh.
To obtain copies of the videos in either mpeg or VCD format please contact:
1) RDA for South Asia (Bangla or English version)–;
2) IRRI for rest of Asia (English version–;
3) WARDA for Africa (English, French, Bambara, or Mandinka)–;
4) CABI for other parts of world: (English version)–


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