AFA and AsiaDHRRA in First Farmers' Forum

AFA represented by Tri Heru Wardoyo, Esther Penunia and AsiaDHRRA represented by Marlene Ramirez participated in the recently concluded First Farmers’ Forum in conjunction with IFAD’s 29th General council Meeting held from 13-16 February 2006 at Palazzo dei Congressi, Rome, Italy. Around 55 representatives of farmers’ organizations from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, OECD countries and various International Federations/Networks and about 30 representatives from NGOs, IFAD supported programs and International Organizations attended, including AsiaDHRRA, FAO, and International Land Coalition attended the event.
The event was very beneficial to AFA as it gained recognition as a regional farmers’ alliance at an international gathering, provided AFA leaders and members with a venue to enhance their advocacy skills, established contact with other regional farmers’ organizations like ROPPA, and EAFF, various NGOs, and IFAD and FAO officers. AsiaDHRRA as a strategic partner of AFA and a promoter of peasant movement building also saw the event as an opportunity to interact with like-minded organizations in Europe and to establish cooperating links with IFAD on common agenda.
The Farmers’ Forum is an emerging, bottom-up process of consultation and dialogue between small farmers and rural producer organizations, IFAD and governments, focused on rural development and poverty reduction. Last year, six national consultations were held in preparation for this first Farmers’ Forum. PAKISAMA attended the Philippine consultation. Also, an Asian regional consultation was held in Manila in December 2005 which was attended by AFA and some of its members like Sor Kor Por, VNFU, and PAKISAMA. AsiaDHRRA also joined the regional consultation.


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