The 5th AsiaDHRRA General Assembly

The 5-day event was capped by the business meeting of AsiaDHRRA’s 5th General Assembly. Updates on the resolutions passed in the 2002 GA in Kuala Lumpur were presented. The Chairperson recalled the network’s key accomplishments for the past two years as presented during the DHRRAW.
The GA likewise accepted the DHRRAW outputs and the major discussion points that surfaced, considering these as part of a menu wherein each DHRRA and the network can draw from its own directions and priorities in the coming years. The GA also approved the proposed Organizational Development Growth Guideline.
Sub-regional priorities, strategies and targets were also affirmed. Another important decision was on the approval of AsiaDHRRA’s Advocacy Paper. A presentation on the historical mandates to AsiaDHRRA’s advocacy work, a leveling off on the meaning of advocacy, the issues deemed critical for the network, the principles it adheres to, and the network’s advocacies vis-à-vis national governments and multilateral institutions took place. Subsequent inputs firmed up the network’s advocacy paper, including a line up of the program of action at the national and regional levels.


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