AsiaDHRRA holds Strategic Planning

The AsiaDHRRA ExeCom and Secretariat conducted a Strategic Planning in March 20-22 in Manila Philippines. The leadership defined the network’s strategic objectives and priority thrusts for the next five years (2005-2010). The key achievements of the network the past five years and the strength it has gained as an organization gave the leaders impetus to forge ahead with greater vigor on its commitment to work with and for the poor people in rural communities, especially farmers, fishers and rural women. A strategy paper is being developed to capture the results of the workshop and will be promoted to its core stakeholders.
The activity was also attended by a key pioneer/adviser from Indonesia and representatives from fellow regional organizations namely SEACA and AWCF. Survey questionnaires filled up by members and partners also served as input to the process.
An ExeCom Meeting followed the Strategic Planning to discuss important network matters and to firm up next steps. An operational planning will follow to sharpen strategies and define concrete indicators in aid of effective implementation.


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