AsiaDHRRA Organizes 3rd ToT on Policy Advocacy through Constructive Engagement in Bangkok

Bangkok, Thailand—AsiaDHRRA organized the 3rd Training on Trainers (ToT) on March 12-16, 2018, a “Training-Workshop on Policy Advocacy through Constructive Engagement”.
The activity was conducted under ReCoERDO program with participants from the Eight (8) country DHRRAs: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, with a total of (13) organization leaders and representatives (6-male, 7-Female).
During the ToT, Policy Advocacy experiences on FO, NGO, and ASEAN levels were shared. The former ASEAN Foundation Executive Director – Apichai Sunchindah, facilitated the discussion. He emphasized successful policies advocated through engaging constructively, citing AsiaDHRRA’s previous program, “Linking Small Farmers to Market”.
Likewise, strategic negotiations for mutually acceptable agreements with the government and private sectors were conferred by Dr. Fadillah Putra – Ministry of Village (Indonesia), Mr. Carlos Magnaye – Director of Department of Agriculture (Philippines), and Mr. Hiroyuki Konuma – Director of Meiji ASEAN Center and former FAO-RAP Assistant Director-General, who also highlighted the importance of bringing the voices of the people in the rural communities to the core of policy discussions.
Crafting of Position Paper and Policy Briefs lead by Ernesto Lim, Jr., an expert on advocating policies in the Philippines, concluded the event.


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