AsiaDHRRA Co-organizes Constructive Engagement and Policy Advocacy Training Workshop in Vietnam

Lam Dong, Vietnam — AsiaDHRRA, together with the Vietnam Farmers Union (VNFU) and VietDHRRA co-organized the follow-up workshop on Constructive Engagement and Policy Advocacy: Facilitation, Managing Policy Dialogue, and Public Consultation Skills Training Workshop on December 6-8, 2017 at Dalat, Lam Dong, Vietnam.
It was designed to enhance the capacities of the members of the Vietnam Farmers Union (VNFU) and VietDHRRA, an upgrade of the ‘basics’ introduced from 2014 to 2015.
The first day of the training laid down the rationale, demand of VNFU and VietDHRRA leaders, and the importance of engaging government, private sector, international organizations and donors in the work with farmers and rural peoples’ organizations.

The ConEng covered serious and passionate discussions on stakeholder analysis. It also highlighted utilizing a wide range of skills and methods to bring the best out in people as they work to achieve results in interactive activities. Former secretary of Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in the Philippines, Corazon Juliano-Soliman was the main resource person and facilitator of the said event.  She is an expert in various Technologies of Participation, Constructive Engagement, and Policy Advocacy, among others.


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